Zelo Zelatus SumIn Honorem Rev. Adm. P. Silverii a S. Teresia | AA.VV.

Romae, Curiam Generalitum 1952, 283pp. (of which 88pp.bibliography) + 59pp.ills.out of text + 124pp. (“Il carmelo riformato nel mondo”) + 70pp.(of which 29 tables, “Tabulae geographicae ordinis carmelitarum discalceotorum”) + 16pp.(Indices), \n\n Book Condition: buono \n Jacket: \n Binding: Rilegato \n Language: Latino \n Signature: \n Edition: \n Publisher: Curiam Generalitum \n Year: 1952 \n Status: For Sale \n Updated: 100225


SKU: Rel.8 Category: Tag:

Availability: 1 in stock

Romae, Curiam Generalitum 1952, 283pp. (of which 88pp.bibliography) + 59pp.ills.out of text + 124pp. (“Il carmelo riformato nel mondo”) + 70pp.(of which 29 tables, “Tabulae geographicae ordinis carmelitarum discalceotorum”) + 16pp.(Indices),

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