A GATHERING OF HEROES: Picture Stories from Chinese Classics | Ling Tao (illustrator)

ZHAOHUA PUBS. BEIJING 1983, FIRST EDITION. PICTURE STORIES FROM CHINESE CLASSICS. SOFT COVER BOOK WITH 126 PAGES. GOOD condition. OPEN DOOR BOOKSHOP offre per un periodo limitato uno sconto del 10% su tutti i suoi libri. Il prezzo originale dell’articolo era 16 euro. \n\n Book Condition: buono \n Jacket: \n Binding: brossura \n Language: English \n Signature: \n Edition: \n Publisher: ZHAOHUA PUBS \n Year: 1983 \n Status: For Sale \n Updated: 100225


SKU: E219 Category: Tag:

Availability: 1 in stock

ZHAOHUA PUBS. BEIJING 1983, FIRST EDITION. PICTURE STORIES FROM CHINESE CLASSICS. SOFT COVER BOOK WITH 126 PAGES. GOOD condition. OPEN DOOR BOOKSHOP offre per un periodo limitato uno sconto del 10% su tutti i suoi libri. Il prezzo originale dell’articolo era 16 euro.

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